Sabine Valley
is the sack feed division of the Northeast Texas Farmers Co-op. We
say this to explain that as such, we adhere to the policies and
beliefs of the Co-op. The guiding policy of the Northeast Texas
Farmers Co-op is “Owned by those we serve”. The mission statement
of the Northeast Texas Farmers Co-op is “to be the preferred
provider of quality products complimented by excellent service and
education to customers at a fair and competitive price, allowing
the Co-op to lead in the changing face of agriculture.”
We want to support the producers and to give them the tools they need to be successful. Therefore, when we develop feeds our main goal is not to produce the cheapest feed on the market, but to produce the best feed for the dollar spent. It is our opinion that reducing quality by skimping on nutrients and adding lower quality roughage products as “fillers” for feed supplements is not supporting the producer. Reducing the price of feed 10% by cutting out 50% of the mineral supplementation and 20% of the expected gain benefit is not supporting the producer. Such cuts do not meet our criteria stated in the mission statement of providing quality products.
If we are judged by price alone, we are not always the best. If we are judged on value received, we challenge you to find a better value from any of our competitors. We strive to provide the most up to date and innovative ideas, matching them to our local agricultural needs. If there is a need that we have not addressed, we ask you for your help in identifying them. We will be glad to consider the need and try to address it through additions or improvements to our product line.
When you or your customers open a bag of Sabine Valley feed, you can be assured that the quality goes into the bag before the name goes on.
The feed mill that became Sabine Valley Feeds was originally a small operation that made feeds for the Northeast Texas Farmers Co-op. This business involved two stores; one in Sulphur Springs and one in Greenville. In 2007 we acquired a feed store in Canton, and in 2017 we built a Farm & Ranch Center in Clarksville as well as building a new Farm & Ranch Center for our Canton location. We now have 4 NETFC Farm & Ranch Centers. The Greenville mill was established in the old Robin Hood Flour plant, which was part of the original grain elevator owned by the Co-op. As time passed the old 100 horsepower pellet mill was replaced with a 300 horsepower mill that more than tripled the output of the small mill. A new mixer was installed that automated the mixing of feeds and increased the speed of the operation. A blender and cleaners were installed to clean the feeds and apply hi fat molasses. The production capacity of this small mill is truly amazing.
Sabine Valley Feeds was established early 1989 as a manufacturer of bagged feeds for the Northeast Texas Farmers Co-op. In the beginning the mill manufactured two lines of feed, one with the NETFC label and the other with Sabine Valley Feeds label. It became apparent that there was much more capacity for manufacturing feed than NETFC had the venue to sell. Leon Renshaw came to work for Sabine Valley Feeds as a type of manager and sales person who drove the roads to establish a group of SVF dealers to resell bagged feeds. Mr. Renshaw worked to make Sabine Valley Feeds a force in the market place and it became a very competitive business. Sabine Valley became the wholesale-bagged feed division of the Northeast Texas Farmers Co-op to service the Farm & Ranch Center as well as 50 dealers scattered over northeast Texas.
Company spirit has always been what powers the Co-op through tough times and that spirit became a part of Sabine Valley. The struggle to get a suitable manufacturing facility in place and a truck fleet to deliver bagged feeds took hard work and tenacity. It takes special people to come to work each day with a schedule that requires the manufacturing and delivery of feeds to satisfy a demanding public. The people who came after Mr. Renshaw had the same goals, to make Sabine Valley Feeds number one. Quality and value for every dollar spent by our customers has always been our goal.